Tips for Driving

Tips for Driving

Fuel Economy:

  • Incorrect tire pressure and misaligned wheels increase tire rolling resistance, negatively affecting fuel consumption.
  • Regular vehicle maintenance is essential. Changing the engine oil and clogged filters will improve vehicle performance and reduce fuel consumption.
  • Avoid sudden starts and high speeds; use the highest gear possible.
  • Loads carried on the vehicle and open windows increase wind resistance through the parachute effect, increasing fuel consumption.
  • Do not carry unnecessary items in your vehicle. Every extra 100 kg increases fuel consumption by an average of 0.4 liters per 100 km.

Safe Driving:

  1. Focus on Driving

    • Pay full attention while driving.
    • Do not use electronic devices like phones.
    • Slow down. High speeds give you less time to react and increase the severity of an accident.
  2. Drive Defensively

    • Monitor other drivers around you and be prepared for the unexpected.
    • Maintain a distance from the vehicle in front of you that is at least half of your speed, equivalent to a minimum of 2 seconds.
    • In bad weather conditions, increase this distance to 4 seconds.
  3. Plan Ahead

    • Plan for breaks, meals, and phone calls before going on a long trip.
    • In long journeys, avoid using the air conditioning's internal circulation feature for too long. This increases the CO2 levels inside the vehicle, leading to fatigue and drowsiness.
  4. Vehicle Interior Control

    • Secure moving objects inside the vehicle.
    • Do not try to pick up items that fall to the floor while driving.
    • Always wear your seat belt.